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Welcome to our Early Years Foundation Stage 

The period from age three to the end of the reception year is described as the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).  It is a distinct stage and important both in its own right and in preparing children for later schooling. 


At Ireby CE Primary School, we currently have a dedicated EYFS unit, where children in nursery and reception are taught following the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. The EYFS Curriculum at Ireby, encourages children to develop into independent, happy and confident children who have a desire to learn and play.   Children have access to an indoor and outdoor environment at Ireby and benefit from the opportunity to enhance the curriculum through learning outside the classroom.


Our EYFS curriculum is underpinned by the following values:


  • Secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships

  • Partnerships with parents or carers and other professionals

  • Respect for diversity

  • Ongoing learning and reflective practice

  • Provide the best start for every child

  • Respect for the world we live in


At Ireby, we use the EYFS curriculum to identify the Characteristics of Effective Learning.  This shows us how each child engages with other people and their environment, how they play and explore, if they are active learners and if they are creating and thinking critically.  We have a balance of adult initiated and adult directed tasks as part of our curriculum offer to ensure that children make the best progress. 


Development Matters report 


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