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The governors at Ireby CE School meet half-termly as a full governing body then in sub-committees (Finance and Curriculum) and working groups at least once per term. Please see the register below which indicates which governors are on which committee.


  • Finance/ staffing/ safeguarding/ Health and Safety: this group works to ensure that the school runs within its means: setting the budget and holding the leaders of the school to account over spending decisions and that the school community is safe and operating in accordance with current safeguarding and health and safety policies and procedures.

  • Curriculum: this sub-committee works to ensure that the children at Ireby CE School receive a high quality, broad and balanced curriculum and that excellent standards in teaching and learning are maintained.


According to our Instrument of Government, Ireby Church of England School shall consist of the following governors:


- 3 parent governors

- 1 LA governor

- 1 staff governor

- 1 headteacher

- 2 foundation governors

- 3 co-opted governors


Total number of governors = 11















If you have any questions about the governing body, please contact our Clerk to the Governors by emailing



Gov Diversity.png
Governor diversity
Terms of Ref curr.PNG

Current Governing Body

Governor Attendance Record


-- = not in office

Present = present at meeting

Absent = not present at meeting



Please note that meetings did not take place at the height of the COVID-19 Pandemic.



Previous Governors from last 12 months:



The minutes from governors meetings are a public record. They are available to view upon request.

Please email to ask for your copy.

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